Monday, November 9, 2009

Reading ADD??

Is there such a thing? I don't know, but I feel like I have it. Since I finished The Shining I have started and stopped 3 books!! I started Wicked, but that became my "workout read"...and let's just say that I've worked out once in the last week! It's sitting on my elliptical machine, just waiting for me to get on! I started Dracula, but the book is small and thus the writing is small and gosh darn it, I just can't find my glasses. I'm tired of that book. Then I started (for the second time) The Witching Hour. It caught my attention over the weekend, but right now I don't want to read it.

What do I want to read you might ask? I want to read The Pillars of the Earth! So that's what I'm going to read. I will read Wicked, I might finish Dracula and I will most likely finish The Witching Hour, but right now there's a book calling my name that will keep me from reading anything else until I've read it.

Does this make me a bad person, or just really weird?!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Secret Santa with GAB Ladies

Secret Santa time is here for the GAB ladies. Last night we compiled a questionnaire that might help your Secret Santa find the perfect gift for you. Make sure you go to our Facebook GAB group and post your responses there.

  • favorite color
  • favorite home scent
  • favorite bath/body scent
  • favorite store
  • favorite movie
  • collections
  • hobbies

We'll meet on November 30th to exchange goodies. Looking forward to it!

Catching Up on Reviews

I haven't posted reviews for the past couple months, so here's my quick attempt to do so:A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
I'm so glad I bought this book instead of checking it out from the library. Not only is it one I will read again, it contains a forward that gave me insight to this book.
This book is thought to be a memoir about it's author, Betty Smith. Betty Smith describes her life and the times she lived in with great detail that I often found myself lost in. While her life was hard, I found myself yearning for the simpler life style I saw on the pages of this book.
What you should know about this book is that it IS a memoir, and not a story. Nothing "big" happens. Don't look for a plot or a climax. Just allow yourself to get lost in Brooklyn in the early 1900s.

The Shining

I have never read a Stephen King book...until this past month. I've seen a few of his movies and those allow terrified me enough to keep me away from his written work. However, since this was the book our group picked for October I read it.

I thought it was a great book! It was very well written and descriptive. I love how much detail King went into to depict his characters. I felt like I knew them. I felt their pain and their fears. I was also pleasantly surprised that it wasn't overly terrifying. Yes, I was scared at times and would never read this book in a hot bath (my all time favorite leisure activity...if you've read this book you know why I wouldn't do so), but in the end good wins and that made it worth the read.

November & December Picks

Last night GAB met to discuss The Shining...I'll blog about that in a bit. After our discussion we decided to choose 2 books (which seemed like a daunting task because for the past 2 months it has taken us at LEAST an hour to chose our next pick), one for November and one for December. Surprisingly we found 2 after only 1 trip around Borders!

For November we will be reading Valley of the Dolls. One thing is for sure, being in this Book Club is making me read more variety than I would normally read on my own!! We opted for a "light read" for November because our December pick will take us a few weeks to get through. Here's the synopsis for Valley of the Dolls.

Dolls: red or black, capsules or tablets; washed down with vodka or swallowed straight-for Anne, Neeley and Jennifer, it doesn't matter, as long as the pill bottle is within easy reach. These three women become best friends when they are young and struggling in New York City and then climb to the top of the entertainment industry-only to find that there's no place left to go but down-into the Valley of the Dolls.

I've been longing for us to choose a classic, so here we go, Valley of the Dolls is "The All-Time Pop Culture Classic"!!

We opted to choose 2 books last night because when we meet in December it will be for dinner and a Secret Santa gift exchange. We knew we wouldn't be at Borders with millions of books to help us make our last night we settled on The Pillars of the Earth as our December pick. Here's a synopsis of Pillars:

The novel The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett was a historic novel set during the 12th century. It centered on the lives of several people from different section of society and how the turbulent times of the English Civil War were affecting their lives. The book also concerns the building of the Kings bridge Cathedral and the murder of Thomas Becket. (For some reason this is the best synopsis I could find...)

There you have it. These 2 books will round out GAB's book selections for 2009. It's been a fun first year and we're looking forward to more fun in 2010!!