Monday, November 9, 2009

Reading ADD??

Is there such a thing? I don't know, but I feel like I have it. Since I finished The Shining I have started and stopped 3 books!! I started Wicked, but that became my "workout read"...and let's just say that I've worked out once in the last week! It's sitting on my elliptical machine, just waiting for me to get on! I started Dracula, but the book is small and thus the writing is small and gosh darn it, I just can't find my glasses. I'm tired of that book. Then I started (for the second time) The Witching Hour. It caught my attention over the weekend, but right now I don't want to read it.

What do I want to read you might ask? I want to read The Pillars of the Earth! So that's what I'm going to read. I will read Wicked, I might finish Dracula and I will most likely finish The Witching Hour, but right now there's a book calling my name that will keep me from reading anything else until I've read it.

Does this make me a bad person, or just really weird?!


  1. That's so funny. I'm so type A I can only read one book at a time. If the book isn't working I have to ditch it for good...You all are usually good about reading many books at a time.
    Hopefully Pillars is working for you!

  2. I am really enjoying Pillars! I just haven't had much time to read...maybe tonight. I say that every night though!
