Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Catching Up on Reviews

I haven't posted reviews for the past couple months, so here's my quick attempt to do so:A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
I'm so glad I bought this book instead of checking it out from the library. Not only is it one I will read again, it contains a forward that gave me insight to this book.
This book is thought to be a memoir about it's author, Betty Smith. Betty Smith describes her life and the times she lived in with great detail that I often found myself lost in. While her life was hard, I found myself yearning for the simpler life style I saw on the pages of this book.
What you should know about this book is that it IS a memoir, and not a story. Nothing "big" happens. Don't look for a plot or a climax. Just allow yourself to get lost in Brooklyn in the early 1900s.

The Shining

I have never read a Stephen King book...until this past month. I've seen a few of his movies and those allow terrified me enough to keep me away from his written work. However, since this was the book our group picked for October I read it.

I thought it was a great book! It was very well written and descriptive. I love how much detail King went into to depict his characters. I felt like I knew them. I felt their pain and their fears. I was also pleasantly surprised that it wasn't overly terrifying. Yes, I was scared at times and would never read this book in a hot bath (my all time favorite leisure activity...if you've read this book you know why I wouldn't do so), but in the end good wins and that made it worth the read.

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