Friday, March 20, 2009

The Reader-Whitney's Review

This book was QUITE different from last month's pic! Last month's book was light-hearted, funny and a quick read. The Reader was an easy, quick read, however, the content was quite different.
I can honestly say that I've NEVER read a book like this one. At first I thought it would be hard to read this book since it was originally written in German, but it was translated very well. What really got me was the explicit descriptions of the couple's intimate moments...and the fact that the boy was 15 and the lady was 36!! I guess I'm just sheltered. I read Part 1 of this book pretty quickly, but then I had to take a break in reading it for a couple weeks. When I did pick it back up I finished it in 2 days.
I don't mind comedic romance novels...but serious romance novels are just not my thing. Am I glad I read this book? Yes, I like exposing myself to different types of books. Will I read this book again? No...I already know the story and I won't read it again. Will I see the movie? I'm still thinking about it. I'll really have to be in the mood I think.

Until there's a new book to discuss...

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