Friday, March 6, 2009

Remember Me? -Whitney's Review

This was my first Kinsella book to read. I DEVOURED it in just a few days. I then had to quickly run out and get the rest of her books. At the time I was in Little Rock AR with my Dad and there just happened to be a re-sale book shop across the street. I had SO much fun finding all her books...but back to Remember Me?

I will admit that I haven't read many non-Christian authors so her use of cuss words threw me off for a bit. But it wasn't long before I was laughing out loud at several different things!

I thought this book was a great light-hearted, easy to read book. Which was just what I needed. I enjoyed being able to escape into this comical life of a girl trying to recover 3 lost years of her life.

Would I read this book again?? Most likely not. It was a great book, but I'm just not a big re-reader. Aside from the Twilight Series, the Harry Potter Series or Redeeming Love) I typically don't read books more than once. I'm like that with most movies...once I've seen it and know what happens I don't want to spend time on it again. The book/movie has to be EXTRAORDINARY for me to read/watch it again.

But I obviously LOVE Kinsella's writing style. I read the rest of her 7 books last month! I'm going to take a break and read something a little "heavier" but I'm looking forward to trying her books written under the name Madeleine Wickham!


  1. yay, you have a blog!!! we'll have to link blogs and be bookclub buddies!

  2. Ooops, I just commented from my husband's account. He probably doesn't want to be associated with the likes of Sophie Kinsella... He doesn't know what he's missing! And by the way, Whitney has me totally hooked on the Shopoholic series. They're great for easy-reading mini-escapes!
